Breen Law LLC Logo

   Since 1982

(877) 849-5158
7761 Chetwood, Suite 200,
Columbus, OH 43054

T  (614) 374-3324  [24/7]
F  (614) 775-9977


Books On Shelve

Pest Management Companies

With 90 years of family involvement in the industry, we know the business. Unlike many other businesses, pest control operators are heavily regulated and subject to many layers of laws, both state and federal. Experienced legal advice is important, both as a preventative measure, but also after a dispute arises.

Areas of Involvement include

8 Termite and Pest Management Issues

8 WDIR claims and liabilities

8 Damage Claims

8 Employee Contracts and Non Compete Agreements

8 Incorporation and Adherence to Corporate Formalities

8 Regulatory Issues

8 General business guidance and assistance.

8 Buying or selling a business


Whatever your areas of certification, we may carefully draft contracts for each of the PMO's services with recognition of applicable regulatory and consumer protection requirements. Special considerations must be made in performing termite services where damage issues can explode, thereby requiring the use of reasonable limitations of liability provisions.

If you desire to buy or sell a pest management firm, legal advice and counsel is essential. Knowing what liabilities to avoid and payment terms to utilize are important. Strategic use of non competition agreements is critical to maintaining and preserving the value of your proprietary interests.

Often forgotten by PMOs are legal restrictions on door to door solicitation, rights of cancellation, telemarketing, and collections.

Important links for the pest control professional

Ohio Department of Agriculture


US Dept. of Labor, Wage and Hour

Ohio State University, Extension Service

National Pest Management Association



Many of the forms, contracts, and documents the pest control professional must utilize are available here. Visit our Store by clicking here:

Available are ODA application records, termite graph with required disclosures, pest control contract with disclaimers, termite control contract with disclaimers, notice of right to cancellation, as well as a multitude of documents for incorporation, such as by laws and operating agreements and resolutions, employee contracts, non compete agreements and many others.




Want assistance starting a pest control business in Ohio?   Click here for a strategy to get one started.