At every turn, transportation and logistics providers benefit by the involvement of a skilled transportation attorney who is knoweldgable on the multitude of unique issues that face the industry. Specialized transportation experience is invaluable in drafting contracts, analyzing freight claims, bills of lading and tariffs. Time is of the essence when the issue involves a rejected load, temperature abuse, salvage rights, detention, stolen loads and identities, refer breakdowns, and many others.
We offer guidance and counsel on most areas of liability. Through a network of transporation attorneys in the United States, we are able to quickly elicit information and cooperation from out of state counsel.
If you need transportation guidance with trucking, authorities, registration, taxes, industry issues, warehousing, other related matters, you are in good hands with a specialist, John L. Alden, Esq., who may be quickly reached by clicking here:
We are pleased to work with your existing counsel whenever our specialized expertise may be beneficial.
We have years of experience representing all of the participants in the supply chain. We regularly litigate Carmack claims, broker subrogation matters, freight related issues such as detention, theft, and breakdown.