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   Since 1982

(877) 849-5158
7761 Chetwood, Suite 200,
Columbus, OH 43054

T  (614) 374-3324  [24/7]
F  (614) 775-9977


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Transportation and Logistics

We represent shippers, freight forwarders, freight brokers, motor carriers and consignees - Virtually everyone in the supply chain.

At every turn, transportation and logistics providers benefit by the involvement of a skilled transportation attorney who is knoweldgable on the multitude of unique issues that face the industry.  Specialized transportation experience is invaluable in drafting contracts, analyzing freight claims, bills of lading and tariffs.  Time is of the essence when the issue involves a rejected load, temperature abuse, salvage rights, detention, stolen loads and identities, refer breakdowns, and many others.

We offer guidance and counsel on most areas of liability.  Through a network of transporation attorneys in the United States, we are able to quickly elicit information and cooperation from out of state counsel.

If you need transportation guidance with trucking, authorities, registration, taxes, industry issues, warehousing, other related matters, you are in good hands with a specialist, John L. Alden, Esq., who may be quickly reached by clicking here:


We are pleased to work with your existing counsel whenever our specialized expertise may be beneficial.

We have years of experience representing all of the participants in the supply chain. We regularly litigate Carmack claims, broker subrogation matters, freight related issues such as detention, theft, and breakdown.

Typical Subject Matter

4   Freight claims                          4  Deficient loading and packaging issues

4   Temperature Abuse                4 Cargo theft and stolen identity

4   Hostage Loads                        4  Outdated contracts and provisions

4   DOT                                             Agent and sub agent arrangements

4   Broker Liability                         Limitations of liability

4   Shipper Liability                       Insurance

 Consignee Liability


Through relationships with the Transportation Lawyers Association™ (TLA) and a multitude of networks in LINKEDIN, we reach hundreds of logistics professionals regularly.  We attend regional and national conventions that provide up to date information regarding industry trends, regulatory actions, and developing case law.


Inevitably, some transportation matters wind up in court.  When they do, attorneys experienced in transportation litigation know that unique efforts are needed to define the legal relationships of the parties, to sort out proper jurisdiction and venue, and to apply appropriate damage models.  In recent years, we have obtained notable rulings on a multitude of important transportation issues, including rulings that:

a  Upheld a directed verdict in a jury trial involving broker liability vis a vis freight forwarder liability in six million dollar jet engine claim.

a  Upheld removal from state court to federal court on numerous cases where diversity or a federal question existed.

a  Upheld Ohio long arm jurisdiction over a Canadian based party that opposed jurisdiction

a  Upheld freight broker rights to subrogate shipper claims for collection of cargo damage

a  Upheld insurance policy terms providing for break down of refrigerated units

a  Clarified Ohio law regarding double payment of freight charges

a  Upheld legal distinction recognized for a freight broker and a motor carrier

a  Upheld federal pre emption and application of the Carmack Amendment

a  And dozens more involving transportation freight claims, cargo claims, broker liability

         Transportation                                                                       Logistics